Dear speech-fans and -friends,

Summer is coming: a heat wave has affected Brussels and several places in Europe over the last few days, giving climate change a very direct and tangible feel. You will find a major plea on climate action in the speech UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres delivered just before the US presidency would announce their decision on the Paris Agreement.

Summer is coming, and so are a few positive events and trends in Europe. They echo in a lighter touch in some of the European speeches. Imagine … John Lennon quoted in the European Council …

Summer is coming, and hopefully for many of you, time for a break, time to read, time to get inspired. If you read French, savourez Trop de fleurs, délicieux petit discours dans lequel Jules Verne nous parle de ce qui nous anime, l’écriture de discours: léger et drôle, un régal de rhétorique au meilleur sens du terme.

Some more examples in our monthly selection of quotes on:

This newsletter will resume after the summer. 


The music makes it memorable

Climate change is undeniable.

Climate action is unstoppable.

And climate solutions provide opportunities that are unmatchable.

Read the full speech here: António Guterres, on Climate action, 30 May 2017

Refutation of the opponent’s argument

Thousands of private corporations, including major oil and gas companies, are taking their own action. They know that green business is good business. It is not just the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do. Some may seek to portray the response to climate change as a fundamental threat to the economy. Yet what we are witnessing in these early years of a systemic response is the opposite. We are seeing new industries. New markets. Healthier environments. More jobs. Less dependency on global supply chains of fossil fuels. The real danger is not the threat to one’s economy that comes from acting.  It is, instead, the risk to one’s economy by failing to act.  


The message is simple: The sustainability train has left the station.  Get on board or get left behind.


Those who fail to bet on the green economy will be living in a grey future.

And the speech comes full circle

Dear friends,

Let me conclude where I began -- with all of you and with the power of people to make a difference

Read the full speech here: António Guterres, on Climate action, 30 May 2017

Wherever we live, whoever we are, we all share the same responsibility: Make Our Planet Great Again.

Read the full speech here: Emmanuel Macron, Following the announcement that US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, 2 June 2017


Whom do you quote ?

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I am not the only one.

Read the full speech here: Donald Tusk, ahead of the European Council meetings, 22 June 2017


Repeating three times? Four times? Five times? Six times!

(For the record, this is still less than half of the ‘dream’ occurrences (13) in one of the most memorable speeches, where ‘I have a dream’ comes up 9 times).

We agreed on dates.

We agreed on organisation.

We agreed on priorities for the negotiation (…).

We also agreed on how we will structure our talks (…).

We agreed that our closest collaborators will start a dialogue on Ireland.

We also agreed on the importance of timing for this first phase.

Read the full speech here: Michel Barnier, Following the first round of Brexit negotiations with the United Kingdom, 19 June 2017


You have to be short ? Even better !

J'ai trois minutes pour vous parler de 30 années d'un des programmes les plus emblématiques de l'Union européenne qui de 11 pays à l'origine s'étend aujourd'hui à 33 pays, et qui, en encourageant la mobilité de tous les jeunes et en leur permettant de développer leurs talents et leurs compétences, a fait émerger une véritable Union des citoyens. Trois minutes, c'est court !

Je n'aurai donc qu'un seul message pour l'avenir : alors que nous allons fêter le 9 millionième jeune Erasmus, soyons ensemble au moins 9 fois plus ambitieux car Erasmus est une bonne réponse à la bêtise des égoïsmes nationaux et du repli sur soi.

Read the full speech here: Jean-Claude Juncker, 30th anniversary of Erasmus, 13 June 2017


Build a rapport with the audience

Qui d'entre vous est papa ou maman ? Levez la main s'il vous plaît. […] Moi aussi. J'ai quatre enfants : deux fils, deux filles. Et je vous parle maintenant en tant que père à d'autres pères, à des mères. Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé avec nos enfants, pour que cette petite minorité d'entre eux trouve une justification à tuer leurs voisins, leurs copains d'école ? Que s'est-il passé ? ( …)

Où est-ce qu'on a échoué, nous, parents ? Quelle est notre responsabilité ? Je ne vous montre pas du doigt, je nous montre du doigt. C'est une petite minorité, qui parfois nous donne l'impression qu'elle est presque une majorité. 

Read the full speech here: Frans Timmermans, Speech at the Iftar reception hosted by the Conseil Européen des Ouléma Marocains, 15 June 2017
